Sing Your Heart Out


No matter your profession, your voice is the essence of your identity.
Discover how your voice can be a catalyst for personal growth ! This workshop is designed to help you cultivate the transformative potential of your voice.

In a supportive and playful environment, embark on a journey of self-discovery through voice and movement. Awaken your hidden melody. Explore sounds, connect with your breath, and discover the pure joy of singing.

Deep down, we all have a song to sing, but years of conditioning can hold us back, leaving us with limiting beliefs about our voices and how we express ourselves.

Through playful vocal games and explorations of voice and body, you can overcome these emotional blocks, rediscovering the joy of authentic expression and letting your unique song shine through.

“Sing Your Heart Out" will allow you to discover the full potential of your voice, to calm the inner critical voice, to reconnect with your true self, and to fully express your truth.


Grounding : Fully inhabit your body and become aware of where your voice and emotions truly come from.

Breathing : Find a deeper and more sustained breath. This will help you relax and better place your voice.

Relaxing : Back pain, neck pain, fatigue, tight throat, nerves – all signs of stress. Take the time to relax with guided relaxations and breathing exercises.

Feeling : Singing explorations can touch us deeply, releasing powerful emotions that we sometimes avoid for fear of losing control. This workshop offers you the opportunity to welcome these feelings, let them be expressed, and learn how to manage them, without being overwhelmed. 

Being Heard : Through vocal techniques, breath awareness, singing, and theatrical games, learn to use your vital energy to project your voice and dare to express your truth.

Listening : You will be invited to open your ears and listen more attentively to yourself and to others.

Stand in Your Power : Dare to be authentic and express yourself genuinely and spontaneously.

Having Fun and Creating : Free your inner child and explore your voice through singing, sounds, vocal games, and body movements.

This workshop is for singers and non-singers alike! It's all about exploring the magic of your voice in a fun and empowering way.

Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 14h15 to 15h30

Terre d'Eveil (Wellness Center)
520 route des Aspres, 06370 Mouans Sartoux

Prices : 1 session/16€ (booklet of 10 sessions/140€, booklet of 5 sessions/75€)

Renseignements et réservations